Verse 33. - And it came to pass, when the captains of the chariots perceived [in what way we are not told. But Ahab would be known to some of them, ch. 20:81] that it was not the king of Israel, that they turned back from pursuing him
22:29-40 Ahab basely intended to betray Johoshaphat to danger, that he might secure himself. See what they get that join with wicked men. How can it be expected that he should be true to his friend, who has been false to his God! He had said in compliment to Ahab, I am as thou art, and now he was indeed taken for him. Those that associate with evil-doers, are in danger of sharing in their plagues. By Jehoshaphat's deliverance, God let him know, that though he was displeased with him, yet he had not deserted him. God is a friend that will not fail us when other friends do. Let no man think to hide himself from God's judgment. God directed the arrow to hit Ahab; those cannot escape with life, whom God has doomed to death. Ahab lived long enough to see part of Micaiah's prophecy accomplished. He had time to feel himself die; with what horror must he have thought upon the wickedness he had committed! And it came to pass, when the captains of the chariots perceived that it was not the king of Israel,.... Against whom only their orders were to fight: that they turned back from pursuing him; for upon so great a force coming upon him he could not withstand, he fled. |