1 Kings 16:18
When Zimri saw that the city was captured, he entered the citadel of the royal palace and burned it down upon himself. So he died
Cross References
1 Samuel 31:4
Then Saul said to his armor-bearer, "Draw your sword and run it through me, or these uncircumcised men will come and run me through and torture me!" But his armor-bearer was terrified and refused to do it. So Saul took his own sword and fell on it.

1 Samuel 31:5
When his armor-bearer saw that Saul was dead, he too fell on his own sword and died with him.

2 Samuel 17:23
When Ahithophel saw that his advice had not been followed, he saddled his donkey and set out for his house in his hometown. He put his affairs in order and hanged himself. So he died and was buried in his father's tomb.

1 Kings 16:17
Then Omri and all the Israelites marched up from Gibbethon and besieged Tirzah.

2 Kings 15:25
Then his officer, Pekah son of Remaliah, conspired against him along with Argob, Arieh, and fifty men of Gilead. And at the citadel of the king's palace in Samaria, Pekah struck down and killed Pekahiah and reigned in his place.

Treasury of Scripture
And it came to pass, when Zimri saw that the city was taken, that he went into the palace of the king's house, and burnt the king's house over him with fire, and died.

and burnt the king's house

Judges 9:54
Then he called hastily unto the young man his armourbearer, and said unto him, Draw thy sword, and slay me, that men say not of me, A woman slew him. And his young man thrust him through, and he died.

1 Samuel 31:4,5
Then said Saul unto his armourbearer, Draw thy sword, and thrust me through therewith; lest these uncircumcised come and thrust me through, and abuse me. But his armourbearer would not; for he was sore afraid. Therefore Saul took a sword, and fell upon it…

2 Samuel 17:23
And when Ahithophel saw that his counsel was not followed, he saddled his ass, and arose, and gat him home to his house, to his city, and put his household in order, and hanged himself, and died, and was buried in the sepulchre of his father.


1 Kings 16:17
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