1 Kings 17:20
Then he cried out to the LORD, "O LORD my God, have You also brought tragedy on this widow who has opened her home to me, by causing her son to die?"
Cross References
1 Kings 17:19
But Elijah said to her, "Give me your son." So he took him from her arms, carried him to the upper room where he was staying, and laid him on his own bed.

1 Kings 17:21
Then he stretched himself out over the child three times and cried out to the LORD, "O LORD my God, please let this boy's life return to him!"

Treasury of Scripture
And he cried to the LORD, and said, O LORD my God, have you also brought evil on the widow with whom I sojourn, by slaying her son?

he cried

1 Kings 18:36,37
And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word…

Exodus 17:4
And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, What shall I do unto this people? they be almost ready to stone me.

1 Samuel 7:8,9
And the children of Israel said to Samuel, Cease not to cry unto the LORD our God for us, that he will save us out of the hand of the Philistines…

hast thou also

Genesis 18:23-25
And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? …

Joshua 7:8,9
O Lord, what shall I say, when Israel turneth their backs before their enemies! …

Psalm 73:13,14
Verily I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocency…


1 Kings 17:19
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