2 Chronicles 24:13
So the workmen labored, and in their hands the repair work progressed. They restored the house of God according to its specifications, and they reinforced it.
Cross References
2 Chronicles 24:12
Then the king and Jehoiada would give the money to those who supervised the labor on the house of the LORD to hire stonecutters and carpenters to restore the house of the LORD, as well as workers in iron and bronze to repair the house of the LORD.

2 Chronicles 24:14
When they were finished, they brought the rest of the money to the king and Jehoiada to make with it the articles for the house of the LORD--utensils for the service and for the burnt offerings, dishes, and other objects of gold and silver. Throughout the days of Jehoiada, burnt offerings were presented regularly in the house of the LORD.

Treasury of Scripture
So the workmen worked, and the work was perfected by them, and they set the house of God in his state, and strengthened it.

Nehemiah 4:7
But it came to pass, that when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, heard that the walls of Jerusalem were made up, and that the breaches began to be stopped, then they were very wroth,

they set, et.

in his state

1 Chronicles 22:5
And David said, Solomon my son is young and tender, and the house that is to be builded for the LORD must be exceeding magnifical, of fame and of glory throughout all countries: I will therefore now make preparation for it. So David prepared abundantly before his death.

Haggai 2:3
Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory? and how do ye see it now? is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing?

Mark 13:1,2
And as he went out of the temple, one of his disciples saith unto him, Master, see what manner of stones and what buildings are here! …


2 Chronicles 24:12
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