Exodus 25:17
And you are to construct a mercy seat of pure gold, two and a half cubits long and a cubit and a half wide.
Cross References
Hebrews 9:5
Above the ark were the cherubim of glory, overshadowing the mercy seat. But we cannot discuss these things in detail now.

Exodus 25:18
Make two cherubim of hammered gold at the ends of the mercy seat,

Exodus 37:6
He constructed a mercy seat of pure gold, two and a half cubits long and a cubit and a half wide.

1 Chronicles 28:11
Then David gave his son Solomon the plans for the portico of the temple, its buildings, storehouses, upper rooms, inner rooms, and the room for the mercy seat.

Ezekiel 28:14
You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for I had ordained you. You were on the holy mountain of God; you walked among the fiery stones.

Treasury of Scripture
And you shall make a mercy seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof.

mercy seat

Exodus 26:34
And thou shalt put the mercy seat upon the ark of the testimony in the most holy place.

Exodus 37:6
And he made the mercy seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half was the length thereof, and one cubit and a half the breadth thereof.

Exodus 40:20
And he took and put the testimony into the ark, and set the staves on the ark, and put the mercy seat above upon the ark:


Exodus 25:16
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