Genesis 45:14
Then Joseph threw his arms around his brother Benjamin and wept, and Benjamin wept as they embraced.
Cross References
Luke 15:20
So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still in the distance, his father saw him and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.

Genesis 33:4
Esau, however, ran to him and embraced him, threw his arms around his neck, and kissed him. And they both wept.

Genesis 42:24
And he turned away from them and wept. When he turned back and spoke to them, he took Simeon from them and had him bound before their eyes.

Genesis 43:30
Joseph hurried out because he was moved to tears for his brother, and he went to a private room to weep.

Genesis 45:2
But he wept so loudly that the Egyptians heard him, and Pharaoh's household soon heard of it.

Genesis 45:15
Joseph kissed each of his brothers as he wept over them. And afterward his brothers talked with him.

Genesis 46:29
Joseph prepared his chariot and went there to meet his father Israel. Joseph presented himself to him, embraced him, and wept profusely.

Treasury of Scripture
And he fell on his brother Benjamin's neck, and wept; and Benjamin wept on his neck.

Genesis 29:11
And Jacob kissed Rachel, and lifted up his voice, and wept.

Genesis 33:4
And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him: and they wept.

Genesis 46:29
And Joseph made ready his chariot, and went up to meet Israel his father, to Goshen, and presented himself unto him; and he fell on his neck, and wept on his neck a good while.


Genesis 45:13
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