Joshua 7:9
When the Canaanites and all who live in the land hear about this, they will surround us and wipe out our name from the earth. Then what will You do for Your great name?"
Cross References
Exodus 32:12
Why should the Egyptians declare, 'He brought them out with evil intent, to kill them in the mountains and wipe them from the face of the earth'? Turn from Your fierce anger and relent from doing harm to Your people.

Deuteronomy 9:28
Otherwise, those in the land from which You brought us out will say, 'Because the LORD was not able to bring them into the land He had promised them, and because He hated them, He has brought them out to kill them in the wilderness.'

Joshua 7:8
O Lord, what can I say, now that Israel has turned its back and run from its enemies?

Joshua 7:10
But the LORD said to Joshua, "Stand up! Why have you fallen on your face?

1 Samuel 12:22
Indeed, for the sake of His great name, the LORD will not abandon His people, because He was pleased to make you His own.

Psalm 48:10
Your name, O God, like Your praise, reaches to the ends of the earth; Your right hand is full of righteousness.

Treasury of Scripture
For the Canaanites and all the inhabitants of the land shall hear of it, and shall environ us round, and cut off our name from the earth: and what will you do to your great name?

shall hear

Exodus 32:12
Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, and say, For mischief did he bring them out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people.

Numbers 14:13
And Moses said unto the LORD, Then the Egyptians shall hear it, (for thou broughtest up this people in thy might from among them;)


Psalm 83:4
They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

Psalm 124:2,3
If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, when men rose up against us: …

what wilt thou

Deuteronomy 32:26,27
I said, I would scatter them into corners, I would make the remembrance of them to cease from among men: …

Psalm 106:6-8
We have sinned with our fathers, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly…

Ezekiel 20:9
But I wrought for my name's sake, that it should not be polluted before the heathen, among whom they were, in whose sight I made myself known unto them, in bringing them forth out of the land of Egypt.


Joshua 7:8
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