Leviticus 27:11
But if the vow involves any of the unclean animals that may not be brought as an offering to the LORD, the animal must be presented before the priest.
Cross References
Leviticus 27:10
He must not replace it or exchange it, either good for bad or bad for good. But if he does substitute one animal for another, both that animal and its substitute will be holy.

Leviticus 27:12
The priest shall set its value, whether high or low; as the priest values it, the price will be set.

Treasury of Scripture
And if it be any unclean beast, of which they do not offer a sacrifice to the LORD, then he shall present the beast before the priest:

Deuteronomy 23:18
Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow: for even both these are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

Malachi 1:14
But cursed be the deceiver, which hath in his flock a male, and voweth, and sacrificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing: for I am a great King, saith the LORD of hosts, and my name is dreadful among the heathen.


Leviticus 27:10
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