Numbers 18:32
Once you have presented the best part of it, you will not incur guilt because of it. But you must not defile the sacred offerings of the Israelites, or else you will die.'"
Cross References
Leviticus 22:15
The priests must not profane the sacred offerings that the Israelites present to the LORD

Leviticus 22:16
by allowing the people to eat the sacred offerings and thus to bear the punishment for guilt. For I am the LORD who sanctifies them."

Numbers 18:31
And you and your households may eat the rest of it anywhere; it is the compensation for your work at the Tent of Meeting.

Numbers 19:1
Then the LORD said to Moses and Aaron,

Treasury of Scripture
And you shall bear no sin by reason of it, when you have heaved from it the best of it: neither shall you pollute the holy things of the children of Israel, lest you die.


Numbers 18:22
Neither must the children of Israel henceforth come nigh the tabernacle of the congregation, lest they bear sin, and die.

Leviticus 19:8
Therefore every one that eateth it shall bear his iniquity, because he hath profaned the hallowed thing of the LORD: and that soul shall be cut off from among his people.


Leviticus 22:2,15
Speak unto Aaron and to his sons, that they separate themselves from the holy things of the children of Israel, and that they profane not my holy name in those things which they hallow unto me: I am the LORD…

Malachi 1:7
Ye offer polluted bread upon mine altar; and ye say, Wherein have we polluted thee? In that ye say, The table of the LORD is contemptible.

1 Corinthians 11:27,29
Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord…


Numbers 18:31
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