Numbers 26:14
These were the clans of Simeon, and there were 22,200 men.
Cross References
Numbers 1:23
those registered to the tribe of Simeon numbered 59,300.

Numbers 25:14
The name of the Israelite who was slain with the Midianite woman was Zimri son of Salu, the leader of a Simeonite family.

Numbers 26:13
the Zerahite clan from Zerah, and the Shaulite clan from Shaul.

Numbers 26:15
These were the descendants of Gad by their clans: The Zephonite clan from Zephon, the Haggite clan from Haggi, the Shunite clan from Shuni,

Treasury of Scripture
These are the families of the Simeonites, twenty and two thousand and two hundred.


Numbers 2:14
Then the tribe of Gad: and the captain of the sons of Gad shall be Eliasaph the son of Reuel.

Genesis 46:16
And the sons of Gad; Ziphion, and Haggi, Shuni, and Ezbon, Eri, and Arodi, and Areli.


Numbers 26:13
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