Psalm 6:7
My eyes fail from grief; they grow dim because of all my foes.
Cross References
Job 17:7
My eyes have grown dim with grief, and my whole body is but a shadow.

Psalm 31:9
Be merciful to me, O LORD, for I am in distress; my eyes fail from sorrow, my soul and body as well.

Psalm 38:10
My heart pounds, my strength fails, and even the light of my eyes has faded.

Psalm 88:9
My eyes grow dim with grief. I call to You daily, O LORD; I spread out my hands to You.

Treasury of Scripture
My eye is consumed because of grief; it waxes old because of all my enemies.


Psalm 31:9,10
Have mercy upon me, O LORD, for I am in trouble: mine eye is consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly…

Psalm 38:10
My heart panteth, my strength faileth me: as for the light of mine eyes, it also is gone from me.

Psalm 88:9
Mine eye mourneth by reason of affliction: LORD, I have called daily upon thee, I have stretched out my hands unto thee.

it waxeth

Psalm 32:3
When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long.


Psalm 6:6
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