2040. haras
Lexical Summary
haras: to throw down, break or tear down
Original Word: הָרַס
Transliteration: haras
Phonetic Spelling: (haw-ras')
Part of Speech: Verb
Short Definition: to throw down, break or tear down
Meaning: to pull down, in pieces, break, & destroy
Strong's Concordance
beat down, break down, through, destroy, overthrow, pluck down, pull down, ruin,

A primitive root; to pull down or in pieces, break, &? Destroy -- beat down, break (down, through), destroy, overthrow, pluck down, pull down, ruin, throw down, X utterly.


H2040. haras

הָרַסverb throw down, break or tear down (MI הרם‎; ? Arabic , bruise, bray, pound, crush (grain)) —

Qal Perfect ׳הָLamentations 2:2, 17; הָרָ֑סIsaiah 14:17; וְהָרַסְתָּ֫Judges 6:25 וְהָרַסְתִּ֫יEzekiel 13:14; Micah 5:10; וְהָֽרְסוּEzekiel 16:39; 26:4, 12 הָרָ֑סוּ1 Kings 19:10, 14; Imperfect יַהֲרוֺסJob 12:14; suffix יֶהֶרְסֶ֑ךָIsaiah 22:19; וַיֶּהֶרְסֶ֑הָ1 Chronicles 20:1; יֶהֶרְסֶנָּהProverbs 29:4 יֶהֶרְסֵםPsalm 28:5; 3feminine singular suffix 3 masculine singular תֶּהֶרְסֶנּוּProverbs 14:1-2;masculine singular תַּהֲרֹסExodus 15:7; אֶהֱרֹסJeremiah 24:6; 42:10 אֶהֱרוֺסMalachi 1:4; 3masculine plural יֶהֶרְסוּExodus 19:21, 24; יַהֲרֹ֑סוּ2 Kings 3:25; Imperative הֲרָסֿPsalm 58:7; suffix הָרְסָהּ2 Samuel 11:25; Infinitive הֲרֹסJeremiah 31:28 הֲרוֺס1:10; Participle active הֹרֵס45:4; passive הָרוּס1 Kings 18:30; —

1 throw down, tear down, with accusative: altar(s) Judges 6:25; 1 Kings 18:30; 19:10, 14; height (גַּב‎, where idol-altar stood ? compare גֶּב‎ below גבב‎) Ezekiel 16:39; city (cities) Isaiah 14:17; 2 Samuel 11:25; 2 Kings 3:25; 1 Chronicles 20:1 (compare MI27) Malachi 1:4 (object not expressed); wall(s) Ezekiel 13:14; 26:12; house Proverbs 14:1 (figurative of foolish woman's action); strongholds (מִבְצָרִים‎) Lamentations 2:2; Micah 5:10; tower(s) Ezekiel 26:4; figurative overthrow (i.e. ruin) land Proverbs 29:4 (opposed to יַעֲמִיד‎); object men Exodus 15:7 (poem in E) Isaiah 22:19 (cast down Shebna from office); figurative, opposed to building up, of Yahweh's dealings with men Psalm 28:5, compare (without object) Jeremiah 24:6; 42:10; object indefinite הֹרֵס אֲנִי בָּנִיתִי אשׁר45:4; absolute 1:10; 31:28; Lamentations 2:17; Job 12:14.

2 break down, break away ׳ה בְּפִימוֺ שִׁנֵּימוֺPsalm 58:7 break away their teeth in their mouth! figurative, addressed to God.

3 break through, intransitive, followed by ׳אֶליֿExodus 19:21; followed by אֶליֿ ׳לַעֲלֹת‎, 19:24 (both J).

Niph`al Perfect3feminine singular נֶהֱרָ֑סָהProverbs 24:31; 3plural נֶהֶרְסוּJeremiah 50:15; Joel 1:17; וְנֶהֶרְסוּ‎ consecutive Ezekiel 30:4; 38:20; Imperfect יֵהָרֵסJeremiah 31:40; 3feminine singular תֵּהָרֵסProverbs 11:11; יֵהָרֵס֑וּןPsalm 11:3; Participle הַנֶּהֱרָסוֺתEzekiel 36:35-36, — be thrown or torn down; wall(s) of vineyard Proverbs 24:31, of city Jeremiah 50:15; cities Ezekiel 36:35 compare 36:36; figurative ruined Proverbs 11:11 (opposed to תָּרוּם‎); foundations, יְסוֺדֹתEzekiel 30:4; שָׁתוֺתPsalm 11:3; mountains Ezekiel 38:20; storehouses מַמְּגֻרוֺתJoel 1:17 [see ׳מ‎]; valley east of Jerusalem וְלֹאיֵֿהָרֵס לֹאיִֿנָּתֵשׁJeremiah 31:40 it shall not be plucked up nor thrown down, apparently proverb. expression, implying destruction, removal.

Pi`el Imperfect2masculine singular suffix תְּהָֽרְסֵםExodus 23:24; Infinitive absolute הָרֵס23:24; Participle plural suffix מְהָֽרְסַיִךְIsaiah 49:17; — overthrow, tear down תְּהָֽרְסֵם הָרֵסExodus 23:24 thou shalt utterly tear them down (J E; object = idols compare Di); participle destroyers, of Zion Isaiah 49:17 ("" מַחֲרִיבַיִךְ‎).


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