5769. olam
Lexical Summary
olam: long duration, antiquity, futurity
Original Word: עוֹלָם
Transliteration: olam
Phonetic Spelling: (o-lawm')
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Short Definition: long duration, antiquity, futurity
Meaning: concealed, eternity, frequentatively, always
Strong's Concordance
always, ancient time, any more, continuance, eternal, for, everlasting, long time,

Or lolam {o-lawm'}; from alam; properly, concealed, i.e. The vanishing point; generally, time out of mind (past or future), i.e. (practically) eternity; frequentatively, adverbial (especially with prepositional prefix) always -- alway(-s), ancient (time), any more, continuance, eternal, (for, (n-))ever(-lasting, -more, of old), lasting, long (time), (of) old (time), perpetual, at any time, (beginning of the) world (+ without end). Compare netsach, ad.

see HEBREW alam

see HEBREW netsach

see HEBREW ad


H5769. olam

עוֺלָם439 noun masculine long duration, antiquity, futurity; — ׳עGenesis 9:12 405t.; עֹלָם3:22 19t.; עֵילוֺם2 Chronicles 33:7, read probably עוֺלָם‎ (for other explanations see note in KitHpt); suffix עֹלָמוֺEcclesiastes 12:5; plural עוֺלָמִיםIsaiah 26:4 7t., עֹלָמִיםPsalm 145:13 2t.; construct עוֺלְמֵיIsaiah 45:17; —

1 of past time:

a. ancient time: ע ׳יְמֵיdays of old Isaiah 63:9, 11; Amos 9:11; Micah 5:1; 7:14; Malachi 3:4; ע ׳יְמוֺתDeuteronomy 32:7; ע ׳עַםIsaiah 44:7 ancient people; מֵע ׳גּוֺיJeremiah 5:15; ע ׳חָרְבוֺתold waste places Isaiah 58:12; 61:4, compare Ezekiel 26:20 b; ע ׳מִּתְחֵיancient gates Psalm 24:7; 24:9; ע ׳ארחJob 22:15; ע ׳נתבותJeremiah 6:16; ע ׳שְׁבִילֵי18:15; ע ׳גבולProverbs 22:28; 23:10; ע ׳במותEzekiel 36:2; (מֵ)ע ׳מִןfrom of old Isaiah 64:3; Jeremiah 2:20; Joel 2:2, of the fathers Joshua 24:2, the prophets Jeremiah 28:8, the ancient נפליםGenesis 6:4; (Ezekiel 32:27 ᵐ5‎ Co for מערלים‎; but 1 Samuel 27:8 read מִטֵּלָם‎ for מעולם‎ We Dr HPS); ע ׳בהםlong in them Isaiah 64:4 (text dubious).

b. ע ׳מֵתֵיthe long dead Psalm 143:3; Lamentations 3:6; so ע ׳עַםEzekiel 26:20.

c. of God, ׳מֵע‎: former acts Isaiah 46:9; as redeemer 63:16; of love Psalm 25:6, judgment 119:52, dominion Isaiah 63:19; long silence 42:14; 57:11; **ᵑ9 ᵐ5‎ CheHpt Du Marti read מֵעְלִם‎ for מֵעוֺלָם‎, compare I. [עָלַם‎]

Hiph`il Psalm 10:1.; his wisdom personified Proverbs 8:23; his existence Psalm 93:2.

d. of things: ע ׳גבעותancient hills Genesis 49:26 (J), Habakkuk 3:6 ("" הרריעֿד‎), Deuteronomy 33:15 ("" קדם הררי‎).

e. plural עולמים שְׁנוֺתPsalm 77:6 years of ancient times; עולמים דורותIsaiah 51:9; לעלמיםEcclesiastes 1:10 = in olden times.

2. a. indefinite futurity, with preposition for ever, always (sometimes = during the lifetime); עולם עֶבֶדslave for ever Deuteronomy 15:17; 1 Samuel 27:12; Job 40:28; לע ׳עָבַדserve for ever Exodus 21:6 (E), Leviticus 25:46; ע ׳עד1 Samuel 1:22; ע ׳גְּאֻלַּתLeviticus 25:32 redemption at any time; ע ׳הֲרַתJeremiah 20:17 ever pregnant (womb); ע ׳כְּלִמַּת20:11 of persecutors of Jeremiah; ע ׳חרפת23:40; ע ׳שַׁלְוֵיPsalm 73:12 alway at ease; לע ׳יְחִי‎ (יחיה‎) may the king live alway 1 Kings 1:31; Nehemiah 2:3; compare ועד עולם יָמִים אֹרֶךְPsalm 21:5; אלהים לפני עולם ישׁד61:8; so of the pious, ׳לע ימוט לא15:5; ימוט בלProverbs 10:30, compare Psalm 30:7; other phrase: 37:27; 37:28; 41:13; 55:23; 61:8; 73:26; 121:8; Proverbs 10:25; ׳ע אשׁירהPsalm 89:2 I will sing for ever (as long as I live), compare Psalm 52:10; 115:18; 145:1; 145:2; ע ׳הוֺדה‎ Psalm 30:13; 44:9; Psalm 52:11; 79:13; other emotions and activities continuous through life 5:12; 31:2 = 71:1; 75:10; 86:12; 119:44; 119:93; 119:98; 119:111; 119:112; Micah 4:5, compare ׳לע2:9.

b. = continuous existence, (1) of things: the earth, עֹמֶדֶת לְעוֺלָם הָאָרֶץEcclesiastes 1:4; other phrase: Psalm 78:69; 104:5, heavens and contents 148:6, ruined cities Isaiah 25:2; 32:14; Ezekiel 26:21; 27:36; 28:19, ruined lands Jeremiah 18:16; 25:9, 12; 49:13, 33; 51:26, 62; Ezekiel 35:9; Zephaniah 2:9; ע עד ׳לעדIsaiah 30:8 for a witness for ever, in a book; (2) of nations: אהיה לעולם47:7 (Babylon loqu.), compare Psalm 81:16; Obadiah 10; לע ׳ישׁב‎ of Judah Joel 4:20; (3) families 49:12; Isaiah 14:20; the dynasty of Saul 1 Samuel 13:13; house of Eli 2:30; (4) national relations: ׳ע איבתcontinual enmity Ezekiel 25:15; 35:5; of exclusion from ע ׳עד י, ׳קהלDeuteronomy 23:4 = Nehemiah 13:1; various relations Isaiah 32:17; 34:10; ע ׳חרפתperpetual reproach Psalm 78:66, of dynasty of David 2 Samuel 3:28; 12:10; 1 Kings 2:33, families 2:33; 2 Kings 5:27; Psalm 106:31; Jeremiah 35:6.

c. of divine existence: עולם אלGenesis 21:33 (J); ע ׳אלהיIsaiah 40:28; לע אנכי ׳חיDeuteronomy 32:40; הע ׳חֵיDaniel 12:7; of divine name, לְע שׁמי ׳זהExodus 3:15 (E), compare 2 Chronicles 33:7 (see above); blessing and praise of it 2 Samuel 7:26 = 1 Chronicles 17:24; Psalm 72:19; 135:13; of ׳י‎ himself Psalm 89:53; attributes, אהבהJeremiah 31:3; 1 Kings 10:9; חסדIsaiah 54:8; Psalm 89:2; 138:8; ׳לע חַסְדּוֺ‎ 1 Chronicles 26:34; 1 Chronicles 26:41; 2 Chronicles 5:13; 7:3, 6; 20:21; Ezra 3:11; Psalm 100:5; 106:1; 107:1; 118:1; 118:2; 118:3; 118:4; 118:29; 136:1 25t., Jeremiah 33:11; כבודPsalm 104:31; אמת117:2; 146:6; צדק119:142; עצה33:11; reign Exodus 15:18 (E), Psalm 10:16; 66:7; 92:9; 146:10; Jeremiah 10:10; Micah 4:7; לע ׳יהוה ישׁבPsalm 9:8; 29:10; 102:13; Lamentations 5:19; presence in Zion 1 Chronicles 23:25; Isaiah 33:14; 60:19-20, Ezekiel 37:28; 43:7, 9; his salvation Isaiah 51:6, 8; ע ׳זרעתDeuteronomy 33:27 everlasting arms; לע יהיה האלהים יעשׂה אשׁר ׳כלEcclesiastes 3:14.

d. of God's covenant: ע ׳בְּרִיתeverlasting covenant Genesis 9:16; 17:7, 13, 19; Exodus 31:16; Leviticus 24:8; Numbers 18:19 (all P), 2 Samuel 23:5; 1 Chronicles 16:17 = Psalm 105:10; Isaiah 24:5; 55:3; 61:8; Jeremiah 32:40; 50:5; Ezekiel 16:60; 37:26; covenant with Noah, ע ׳לְדֹרֹתGenesis 9:12 (P); God remembers it 1 Chronicles 16:15 = Psalm 105:8; 111:5; will not break it, ׳לעJudges 2:1; ע ׳אוֺתExodus 31:17 (P); ע עד ׳אוֺתDeuteronomy 28:46.

e. of God's laws: דבר(יםׅIsaiah 59:21; Psalm 119:89; משׁפט119:160; עדות119:144; 119:152; ע ׳חקExodus 29:28; 30:21 (E), Leviticus 6:11; 6:15; 7:34; 10:15; 24:9; Numbers 18:8, 11, 19 (P), also Jeremiah 5:22 (of bounds of sea); ע עד ׳חקExodus 12:24 (J), ע ׳חֻקַּת12:14; 12:17; 27:21; 28:43; 29:9; Leviticus 3:17; 7:36; 10:9; 16:29; Leviticus 10:31; Leviticus 10:34; 17:7; 23:14; 23:21; 23:31; 23:41; 24:3; 24:8; Numbers 10:8; 15:15; 18:23; 19:10, 21 (P) (most of these in fact specifically Jewish and temporary); temple to bear God's name, ע ׳עד1 Kings 9:3 2 Chronicles 7:16; ׳לע2 Kings 21:7; 2 Chronicles 33:4; consecrated ׳לע30:8; its ceremonies ׳לע2:3; Levitical priesthood, ע ׳עד לשׁרתו‎, 1 Chronicles 15:2; Aaronic priesthood, ע ׳עד בשׁמ ׳לברך23:13 (twice in verse).

f. of God's promises: his word, לע ׳יקוםIsaiah 40:8; promised dynasty of David, ׳(ה)ע עד2 Samuel 7:13, 16 (twice in verse); 7:25 = 1 Chronicles 17:12, 14 (twice in verse); 17:23, Psalm 18:51 = 2 Samuel 22:51; 1 Kings 2:33, 45; 1 Chronicles 22:10; Psalm 89:5; ׳לע1 Kings 9:5; 1 Chronicles 28:4, 7; 2 Chronicles 13:5; Psalm 89:29; 89:37; 2 Samuel 7:29 (twice in verse) = 1 Chronicles 17:27 (twice in verse); of holy land 28:8, ע ׳אֲחֻזַּתGenesis 17:8; 48:4; Leviticus 25:34 (P); given ׳לעExodus 32:13 (J) 2 Chronicles 20:7; ע ׳עדGenesis 13:15, inherited ׳לעIsaiah 60:21; Psalm 37:18; ע ׳עדIsaiah 34:17; dwelt in ע ׳עדEzekiel 37:25; other blessings, ׳לעDeuteronomy 5:26; Hosea 2:21; ע ׳עדDeuteronomy 12:28; 2 Samuel 7:24 = 1 Chronicles 17:22; Psalm 133:3; ע ׳שִׂמְחַתIsaiah 35:10; 51:11; 61:7; ע ׳דֶּרֶחPsalm 139:24; ע ׳שׁםIsaiah 56:5; 63:12; ע ׳אות55:13; ע ׳נאון60:15; Jerusalem to abide ׳לעJeremiah 17:25; Psalm 125:1, compare Jeremiah 31:40; ע ׳עדPsalm 48:9.

g. of relations between God and his people, ׳לע1 Chronicles 29:18; Psalm 45:18; Psalm 85:6; 103:9; 145:21; Isaiah 57:16; Jeremiah 3:5, 12; Lamentations 3:31; Joel 2:26-27, (ה)ע ׳עדPsalm 28:9; Malachi 1:4.

h. of Messianic dynasty and king: ׳(ל)עPsalm 110:4; having divine throne 45:7; name endures 72:17; established 89:38; God blesses him 45:3; of his reign, ע ועד ׳מעתהIsaiah 9:6.

i. = indefinite, unending future: live ׳לעGenesis 3:22 = Job 7:16; הלע ׳הנביאים יִחְיוּZechariah 1:5 the prophets, can they live for ever ? compare לע ׳חדלPsalm 49:9; with negative never Ezra 9:12; Proverbs 27:24.

j. after death: ע ׳שׁנתJeremiah 51:39, 57; ע ׳ביתEcclesiastes 12:5; ע ׳חַיֵּיDaniel 12:2; ע ׳דראון12:2; also 12:3; Jonah 2:7; Ecclesiastes 2:16; 9:6.

k. = age (duration) of the world: בְּלִבָּם נתן העלם אתEcclesiastes 3:11 the age of the world he hath set, etc. (compare especially Late Hebrew; others i).

l. plural intensive everlastingness, eternity: עולמים תשׁועתIsaiah 45:17; עלמים צדקDaniel 9:24; עולמים צורIsaiah 26:4 (RVm rock of ages); עלמים כל מלכוּתPsalm 145:13; also 61:5; 77:8; 1 Kings 8:13 2 Chronicles 6:2.

m. special phrase: (ה)עולם (ו)עד מ(ה)עולם (מן)from everlasting to everlasting, of ׳יPsalm 90:2, י ׳חסד103:17; benedictions 1 Chronicles 16:36 = Psalm 106:48; Nehemiah 9:5; 1 Chronicles 29:10; Psalm 41:14; the land given עולם ועד עולם למןJeremiah 7:7; 25:5; עולם ועד מעתהfrom now and for ever Psalm 115:18; 121:8 (i.e. as long as one lives); of people's hope in God 131:3; dynasty of David Isaiah 9:6; of God's acts, words, etc. Micah 4:7; Isaiah 59:21; Psalm 125:2, compare 113:2; — see further I.עַד‎ p. 723.

עֵילוֺם‎ see עוֺלָם‎. עֲלָמוֺת‎ see עַלְמָה‎, II. עלם‎.

לַבֵן עַלמֿוּת עַלמֿוּת,‎ see עַלְמָה‎, II. עלם‎.


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